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Sep 28, 2009

The Healthy Fasting

The fasting is good for humans, as the word Rosululloh SAW:

"Fast you, then you will be healthy."

Word has been proven by scientists. Many medical scientists believe that the fasting will be healthier physically, mentally, and healthy self.

1. Healthy Physical

Did you know that each of us to eat, the stomach digesting food for 8 hours. If we eat too often, the stomach will work continuously. So do not be surprised if most of the people who eat hobby with stomach problems.

Word Rosululloh very beneficial to be implemented. With the fast (stop eating and drinking for ± 14 hours) can provide a break in the stomach. During the rest of the stomach, the stomach can also destroy food toxins that exist.

In addition, the fasting fluid in the body decreases. It can help heal the heart.

2. Mentally healthy

With fasting can give satisfaction to himself. We feel happy to have lilahita'ala fasting. In fasting we can train yourself to resist lust. Whether it comes from within or outside. In addition we are also encouraged to give charity / doing good. Like to help others and joined his brother was troubled when a disaster. That the characteristics of mentally healthy.

3. Healthy Self

In Ramadahan month of fasting Muslims do, pray Taraweh, and Tadarus. This can increase the devotion to the Creator. We can be grateful that has given him. And always do pious deeds wherever and whenever.

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