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Nov 18, 2007

The True Step to ON and to OFF the Computer

The True Step To TURN ON and To TURN OFF The Computer

Cara menghidupkan kembali (Restart) komputer :

1. Pertama -tama tutup semua program aplikasi yang sedang digunakan
2. Kemudian klik Start , lalu klik Restart
3. Tunggu beberapa menit sampai komputer melakukan Shutting Down hingga Starting Up
4. Setelah selesai proses Starting Up ,tunggu hingga tampilan utama Windows XP muncul
5. Komputer siap digunakan kembali

Cara menghidupkan komputer :

1. Pertama-tama pastikan kabel-kabel komputer sudah terpasang dengan baik dan benar.
2. Pasangkan kabel ke Stopkontak.
3. Tekan tombol ON pada penstabil tegangan (stabilizer), CPU, dan monitor.
4. Tunggulah beberapa saat hingga komputer melakukan proses Booting, yaitu suatu proses ketika komputer mendeteksi Hard disk, Flopy disk Drive, CD-ROM,dan CPU (Memory, Clock, RAM dsb).
5. Setelah proses Booting selesai di layar muncul kotak dialog untuk mengisi username dan password.Apabila Anda menggunakan sistem operasi Windows98, WindowsNT atau Windows XP dan tidak akan menggunakan sistem jaringan, klik Cancel pada kotak dialog password.Proses ini dalam jaringan dikenal sebagai proses Otorisasi.
6. Setelah proses Otorisasi selesai muncul Desktop. Pada tahap inilah, komputer siap digunakan dan Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan

Cara Mematikan Komputer :

1. Pastikan semua aplikasi yang telah Anda gunakan sudah ditutup.
2. Pada menu Pull-down start, klik Shut Down – Ok (Windows98) atau klik turn off computer turn off (Windows XP). Tunggu beberapa saat hinggan muncul tampilan Windows is shutting down.
3. Setelah itu komputer akan mati dengan sendirinya.
4. Tekan tombol OFF pada monitor dan penstabil tegangan.

How to TURN ON and to TURN OFF the computer? Why to turn on and to turn off the computer must be following the procedure?

If it's not following the procedure, the current electric will distrub and your computer will be damaged. If you do not that will happen to your komputer, please use your computer with verry well and follow the procedure has you learned. This is procedure to on and to off the computer.


a. First , closed all of the program aplication that still has been used.
b. Then click START and click RESTART.
c. Wait for a few minutes until the computer do SHUT DOWN and START UP
d. After it , wait the desktop go out to the monitor
e. Finally the computer is ready for

To starting the operation, there are a lot of steps must to do. that is:

a. First, you check the computer's cables . is it instal??
b. Plug the the cable to stopcontac.
c. Press the ON button at stabilizer, CPU, and monitor.
d. Wait a few minutes until computer do booting. Botting is proces when the computer detection harddisk, floppydisk, drive, CD-ROM, and CPU.
e. After booting proces is done, the dialogue box will appear in the insal. and then you must enter the username and password. If you use operation system windows 98, windows NT, or windows XP, and will not use network system, click cansel on the password dialogue box. This proces in the network, call as otoration proces.
f. After it is done, desktop will appear. On this step the computer be ready to use and you can use the aplication fit with your need

If you have knew how to On the computer, You must know too how to Off The computer.
The steps is:

a. Check all the aplication when you use it have been clossed.
b. On the menu pull-down start, click shut down-ok (windows 98). or click Trun off- trun off (windows XP). Wait a minute until "windows is shutting down"Appear. After it, The computer will off alone.
c. Turn the OFF button at monitir and stabilizer.

You must do the procedure. If you do that, your computer will have long age.

Istilah Warm Booting: merupakan salah satu cara boot pada komputer. Me-restart komputer dengan menekan Ctrl+Alt+Del atau melakukan shutdown dan restart. Booting panas ini dapat dideteksi dan dimanipulasi oleh virus.

Buku pendamping komputer Grafindo

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1. Adirano (01)
2. Buyung Afrianto (08)
3. Kamya Dewanti (17)
4. Rizal Ardiansyah (33)

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